Monday, August 30, 2010

Everybodys Fine 2009

Everybody’s Fine” is this year’s winner in the “We’re All Dysfunctional Together and We Like It That Way” Family-Drama Sweepstakes, a picture with pathos, family secrets and an aging dad, the kind of guy who’s worked hard and lived a good life but now doesn’t have much to do but rattle around his garden and jingle the change in his pants pocket. Robert De Niro stars as Frank Goode, an upstate New York retiree (his former line of work was applying PVC coating to telephone wires) and recent widower. Since the death of his wife, eight months previous, he’s lost touch with his four children, who are scattered across the country. There’s Kate Beckinsale’s Amy, a moneyed Chicago advertising exec; Drew Barrymore’s Rosie, a dancer in Las Vegas; Sam Rockwell’s Robert, a professional musician based in Denver; and the mysterious David, a successful painter living in New York City.

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